
What is Amputation?


  • Amputation can involve a toe/digit, a limb (forelimb, hind limb), or the tail.
  • Common indications include:
    • Tumors: Removal of a limb affected by cancer.
    • Extensive Trauma: Loss of function due to severe injury.


  1. Toe Amputation:
    • Entire removal of a toe due to disease (cancer, infection, trauma).
    • Gait may change if one of the two middle toes is removed.
  2. Forelimb Amputation:
    • Removal of a forelimb, often due to cancer (e.g., osteosarcoma).
    • Typically includes removal of the shoulder blade.
  3. Hindlimb Amputation:
    • Removal of a hind leg (at hip joint or lower).
    • Indications: cancer or trauma.
  4. Hemipelvectomy:
    • Removal of part of the pelvis with the leg.
    • Rarely performed, usually for cancer.
  5. Tail Amputation:
    • Commonly due to trauma.
    • Tail stump may be left, depending on the reason for surgery.


  • Pain Relief: Eliminates chronic pain.
  • Enhanced Mobility: Pets adapt quickly post-amputation.
  • Improved Quality of Life: Allows everyday activities without the diseased/injured limb.


Remember to consult your veterinarian for personalized advice. If you have further questions, feel free to ask!